The Stanley Museum in Kingfield is dedicated to preserving and commemorating "the Stanley family genius." Renown for their steam cars, the Stanley family were not only pioneers in the automotive world but also had many other ambitions.
The Stanley twins' sister was avid in her photography and colored many of the images she captured.
Violin making was another unexpected passion of the Stanley twins. All of these artifacts including whole cars are on display at the Museum, which used to be a school building.
Selected Stanley Museum images:
Stanley School, Kingfield, ca. 1907
Squirrel Island Library dedication, 1904
Squirrel Island Gathering, ca. 1905
Women's Race, Squirrel Island, ca. 1905
On Patrol in Boothbay Harbor, 1917
Edwin T. Booth as Hamlet, ca. 1870
Tim Pond Camps, Eustis, ca. 1906
Durrell family reunion, Kingfield, 1901
U.S. Life-Saving Station, Wallis Sands, New Hampshire, ca. 1895
Agnes Lucille Stanley, Kingfield, ca. 1888
Raymond W. Stanley, 1918
X-ray photograph of hand, ca. 1896